Notice Sheet 19th January

Please click here for the latest Notice Sheet with details of this week’s services, latest Parish news and information about prayer meetings/the Hub.

Notice Sheet 12th January

Please click here for the latest Notice Sheet with details of this week’s services, latest Parish news and information about prayer meetings/the Hub.

Verse of the Year

“Be on your guard stand firm in the faith;
Be courageous;
Be strong.
Do everything in love.”
1 Corinthians16:13-14

Click to listen to the sermons on the Verse of the Year


Christmas mesage from Sena and Jane Ounate-Lare

For information speak to Anita Bruffell

Go to their mission page or directly read the December Prayer-Update.

A Grand Christmas Fair

This Saturday 7th December 11am to 2pm at St. Michael’s, Pensby

Tasty Filled Rolls, Mulled Wine,
Cakes, Jams, Toys, Floral Decorations,
Craft, Hamper Raffle, Face Painting,
Nativity, Children’s Activities & More.

Advent Reflections
“Sing in Exultation”

Christmas is the time we get to dust down and sing out our favourite carols. Our Advent reflections this year unpack those seasonal songs to reveal the heart-warming biblical riches within. ‘Sing in Exultation’ will give you a deeper appreciation not only for each carol but for the Christ they celebrate.

View a Sample

A bargain for £2:00, copies are available at the back of church.
Please sign the sheet if you pick one up,
speak to Joanna for further information.

November News letter
from John, Zoe, Sadie & Amber

They have been at The Rift Valley Academy for 18 months.
Read about their:

UK visit plans
Christmas Gifts
Financial Support
Prayer points

Go to their mission page or directly read the November News update.
For information speak to Lois Millington

HUB Special
Thursday 21st November at 7:30pm
St. Michael’s Church Centre

A lecture by Glen Scrivener recorded at the Keswick Convention 2024
The “sea of faith” has long been out in the West. This comes with many challenges but there are also some benefits. Together we will explore the evangelistic opportunities our cultural moment presents.

November Newsletter from Joshua & Miriam

They have shared a couple of verse from Psalm 88
v 2, “ May my prayer come before you; turn your ear to my cry”
v 13, “ But I cry to you for help, O Lord; in the morning my prayer comes before you”

Topics covered in this newsletter are:
Update on the staff who were involved in the accident.
School closed 22/10/2024 (end of term) and graduation ceremony.
Thanks giving and prayer requests.

For information speak to Jane McCallum
Go to their mission page to read the full November News update.

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