Update from St. Peter’s Rock Ferry
Dave and Lucy’s October News update contains:
St. Peter’s @ The Barn
Youth and Children activities
Go to their mission page to read the full October News update.
Women’s Breakfast Report
Following a delicious breakfast we were privileged to hear from Mary Lamb. Mary shared her testimony and how her faith in Jesus has sustained her through her life.
Mary shared how words from Psalm 121
“1I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
2My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth,”
have given her strength, peace and safety through the challenges that she has faced – including her wonderful determination to complete the 3 peaks challenge in a wheelchair! Mary spoke with openness, honesty and a deep conviction. It was a wonderful witness.
Thank you Mary, for your courage, encouragement and inspiration.
October Update from Sena & Jane
In their October update, Sena and Jane share about:
- Mission in Caen
- New place of worship
- Testimony of conversion
- Prayer for church planting day event
For information speak to Anita Bruffell
Go to their mission page or directly read the October Update.
Saturday 19th October, 8:30
at St. Michael’s Church
You are warmly invited to join us for a delicious breakfast and to hear our speaker, Mary Lamb, a member of our church who has recently made history by being the first person to complete the Three Peaks Challenge in a wheelchair (with the help from her assistance dog Sheldon).
Listen to Mary’s story of faith
and how it helps her face life’s challenges.
To book contact Amanda Roberts:
amandaroberts895@gmail.com or 07503 074443
CAP Wirral September Newsletter
“In their suffering he also suffered, and he personally rescued them in his love and mercy he redeemed them.
He lifted them up and carried them through all the years” Isaiah 63:9
Update from Jess and Christina.
Event Focus.
CAP Wirral prayer points.
Go to their mission page to read the full September News update.
Mission Partner Sunday
Last Sunday we looked forward to furthering our relationship with our mission partners as we shared time with them and heard their latest update. As a church family we recognise that God is calling to himself a people from every tribe and nation, ours is to engage in that mission from our doorstep to the uttermost parts of the world. Our partners are more than people we sponsor, we share together in ministry, with them we partake in the global mandate to make Jesus known. We were reminded in our services this week of the priority of mission. The life that is found in and through Jesus alone is ours as we take him at his word. In order to do that, we need to hear it, the world needs to hear it, how can they hear unless someone tells them?
Discussing Loss
An opportunity to reflect on grief, the spiritual impact of loss and to develop skills to support others, including the principles and practicalities of praying for those who grieve.
Thursday mornings in Christ Church Hall.
If you’d like to attend please contact Joanna or Ce.
Go to the Discipleship page for more details.
Come early for a cuppa from 9:45am
September News and Prayer letter
from John, Zoe, Sadie & Amber
They have been at The Rift Valley Academy for one year.
Read about their plans for the next year.
Prayer points:
That the boarding girls in our care would feel ‘at home’ – a complicated concept for TCKs (third culture kids) who are living in a culture that is neither their passport country’s nor their country of ministry).
For our nuclear family that we would find the right balance of Godly self sacrifice and Godly self care.
For the families of our dorm students, as they continue to serve without their children beside them.
For us to find time to plan our visit to the UK at Christmas.
Go to their mission page or directly read the September News update.
For information speak to Lois Millington
August Newsletter from Joshua & Miriam
The peace of God be with you all.
Read the latest newsletter from Joshua and Miriam in Eldoret.
Go to their mission page to read the full August News update.
For information speak to Jane McCallum
Outside Service and BBQ
There was a warm welcome for our Mission Partner Sena & Jane Ounate-Lare to our outside service and BBQ.
Jane gave her testimonial and Sena gave the address on Luke 2:41-52.
To listen again to the reading and Sena’s address scroll to the bottom of their mission page.
For information about Sena & Jane speak to Anita Bruffell
July Newsletter from Joshua & Miriam
The newsletter comes with a lot of love and prayers.
Topics covered in this newsletter are:
- Neema Home
- Neema Christian School
- Thanksgiving
- Prayer Requests
For information speak to Jane McCallum
Go to their mission page to read the full July News update.