To find out about any of these, please contact the parish office



To find our about our activities for families, children and young people, go to the WHAT’S ON menu.

Welcome Hub is each Tuesday and Thursday 9:30am – 12:30pm at St. Michael’s Church Centre. All are welcome.

Coffee and Company.  This meets on a Friday from 10am – 12:00 at St Michael’s Church Centre,
it joins with the knitting group.  All are welcome.

Art Lounge is on Mondays at Christ Church Barnston Hall 10:30am – !2:30pm.

Sewing Group takes place in Christ Church Barnston Hall on Wednesday mornings from 9:30am – 11:30am. 


Carers Get Together.  A warm welcome, a delicious lunch and relaxing activities for all carers.
Please let us know if you, or someone you know, would appreciate coming along.

Fellowship Lunch.  A well attended monthly meeting offering lunch and friendship to those who have been bereaved.  All are welcome.

Men’s Breakfast and Women’s Breakfast takes place on alternate months, at St Michael’s Church Centre.
There is a full English and a speaker, who gets us to think about what being a Christian means and how we should live if we are Christian. The News page will tell you when we next meet.