Do you find reading the bible hard? Life is too busy and despite good intentions, time just seems elusive. Or maybe you are not sure where to start and just feel a bit stuck? Or maybe reading with friend or in a group is manageable but on your own, well it just gets a bit boring… Well take heart! There are a variety of apps and podcasts out there to help us, here are a couple you might want to try.

The podcast Two Sisters and a Cup of Tea gives a range of blogs and resources on how we can be getting into the bible
and includes 5 bitesize episodes which addresses questions such as:
“Should it be this hard?” or
“Where do I even start?” or
“What if it feels boring?”
Click this link to access the Podcast.

The Redeeming Time app means that you can decide how much time you have each day
and the app allows you to create your own reading plan. Do have a look through!
Click this link to for information about the app.
Redeeming Time – Bible Reading on the App Store (
Redeeming Time – Bible Reading – Apps on Google Play

There are a whole range of daily reading bible notes available, including:
Truth for Life by Alistair Begg
A Year with Timothy Keller by Timothy Keller
My Heart Cries Out by Paul Tripp
Rock and Refuge by Timothy Keller

As ever, do speak with Joanna to find out more or email