There are four different services across the parish. Although these services vary in style, with some being more traditional and others more informal, at all of them we aim to learn from the Bible about Jesus and what it means to follow him. We welcome people of all ages and backgrounds, and we hope that everyone will find a service where they feel they can belong, in order to grow as a follower of Jesus.

Christ Church, Barnston

 8.30 – Holy Communion (BCP)

 10.30 – Service of the Word
Each week we start the service with everyone all together for a song and an all-age talk, then the children and young people head off to their own groups,
and the over 14s remain for a sermon.

St Michael’s, Pensby

 10.30 – Service of the Word
Each week we start the service with everyone all together for a song and an all-age talk, then the children and young people head off to their own groups,
and the over 14s remain for a sermon.

17.30 – Holy Communion