Our purpose here at Christ Church and St Michaels is to make Jesus known and to grow together in Him.
There are several ways of defining and talking about the purpose of discipleship but a helpful one is found at the beginning of Philippians where we see Paul’s prayer for the church there:
“And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God” (Phil 1 v 9-11)
If the end goal of discipleship is that we become more like Jesus, it is great to know that we are in this together. Discipleship is for everyone and everyday. Every Christian should be discipling someone else, be discipled by someone else or be doing both.
As we think about how we can be helping one another grow, we hope some of the articles and podcasts below will be helpful both in our own individual walk with the Lord as well as equipping us to walk alongside others well. This is an on-going process but as we all make small, regular steps forward in our Christian walk, transformation and growth happens.
Do contact Joanna at joannahill@barnston.info with any questions or for further information.
Sing in Exultation
Christmas is the time we get to dust down and sing out our favourite carols. Our Advent reflections this year unpack those seasonal songs to reveal the heart-warming biblical riches within. ‘Sing in Exultation’ will give you a deeper appreciation not only for each carol but for the Christ they celebrate.
Carol singing is as indispensable to the festive season as decking the halls and swapping gifts. This little book contains 25 advent devotions, each unpacking a verse from a well-known carol, uncovering riches in the familiar words we love to sing each December.
Beginning with Scripture’s first hint of Jesus’ coming, and sweeping through to lyrics rejoicing in the hope of His return, these daily devotions not only give us a deeper appreciation for each carol, but a deeper appreciation for Christ this Christmas.
A bargain for £2:00,
copies are available at the back of church.
Please sign the sheet if you pick one up,
speak to Joanna for further information.
“The Hope of Christ in Sorrow”
We all experience loss. Loss has so many dimensions and comes in so many forms. We can experience loss of a loved one, loss of health or memory, loss of job or home and much more. We long to walk alongside those who have suffered but the complexity of loss can leave us unsure where to start. Although a few days barely does justice to covering the subject, the resources will provide a useful start as we look to hold out Christ to those around us facing struggles of all kinds. There will be future opportunities to find out more but in the meantime, do speak with Joanna if you have any questions
Helpful resources at Biblical Counselling UK
Additionally, there are other links to recommended books, that would be helpful. Just click the link below
or for further help speak/email Joanna at joannahill@barnston.info
Reaching out to the Local Community this Easter
Are you interested in reaching out to your local community with the good news of Jesus but are not sure where to start? Whoever you are, this webinar (link below) shares ideas and resources for reaching out this Easter and there are ideas for every situation.
Resources which Point our Community to Jesus
Speakers include chats with Glen Scrivener from the 3-2-1 course which has recently run at the Hub. Glen speaks about using social media for evangelism, Robin Ham, author of our Lent Devotional “Finding Mercy on the Way of Sorrow” speaks about his book and Amy Smith from Faith with Kids gives us a ton of ideas for the opportunities which Easter provides for discipleship and outreach – especially for kids!
Do check out the above link to the webinar or speak/email Joanna at joannahill@barnston.info
Getting into the Bible
Do you find reading the bible hard? Life is too busy and despite good intentions, time just seems elusive. Or maybe you are not sure where to start and just feel a bit stuck? Or maybe reading with friend or in a group is manageable but on your own, well it just gets a bit boring… Well take heart! There are a variety of apps and podcasts out there to help us, here are a couple you might want to try.
The podcast Two Sisters and a Cup of Tea gives a range of blogs and resources on how we can be getting into the bible
and includes 5 bitesize episodes which addresses questions such as:
“Should it be this hard?” or
“Where do I even start?” or
“What if it feels boring?”
Click this link to access the Podcast.
The Redeeming Time app means that you can decide how much time you have each day
and the app allows you to create your own reading plan. Do have a look through!
Click this link to for information about the app.
Redeeming Time – Bible Reading on the App Store (apple.com)
Redeeming Time – Bible Reading – Apps on Google Play
There are a whole range of daily reading bible notes available, including:
Truth for Life by Alistair Begg
A Year with Timothy Keller by Timothy Keller
My Heart Cries Out by Paul Tripp
Rock and Refuge by Timothy Keller
As ever, do speak with Joanna to find out more or email joannahill@barnston.info
Northern Women’s Convention – “Discover the Fullness of Christ“
A car full of women from Christ Church, Barnston and St Michaels, Pensby set off on Saturday 4th November to join other women from various places, backgrounds and churches in the North of England. It was a great opportunity to spend the day in Manchester with women from our church family and to be built up together as we were taught from Colossians.
The seminars on:
“Setting our Hearts on Things Above”
“Using Opportunities”
“Living in my Family”
picked up on themes in Colossians. There was plenty of time through the day to sing praises, to enjoy fellowship and plenty of coffee as well as the opportunity to browse the well resourced bookstall. The day refreshed our spirits!
Do pray for us all as we continue to reflect on the truths taught, that they would have an impact on the practical out workings in our own lives.
The talks and seminars from The Northern Woman’s Convention are available for you to listen to by clicking the following link.
For more further details, do see Joanna or email joannahill@barnston.info
31-Day Devotionals for Life
Have you looked at this 31 Day Devotionals for Life series?
Each devotional is designed to build a bridge from God’s word into your specific struggles or situations. There is something here for each one of us. Each devotion is written to help you, no matter what the situation is, to see what faith looks like in this fallen world.
Books titles include: Assurance, Shame, Chronic Illness, Contentment, Anger, Anxiety, Forgiveness and so much more.
For more information, do see Joanna or email joannahill@barnston.info
Mental Health
Asking for help – a helpful article from Helen Thorne of Biblical Counselling UK
Mental Health and your Church
Most of us know what it is like to find life hard at times or we have walked alongside those who feel despairing. Our church communities have great potential to help those who are struggling.
We’re running a course using this book by Helen Thorne and Dr Steve Midgley thinking about how to understand mental illness better, develop a Biblical understanding of it, and thinking about how to care best for one another in this area as a church community.
Contact Joanna Hill to find out more about the course which will run throughout June 2023: 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th June, 9:45am at St Michael’s.
The pressures and isolation of lockdown have seen a surge in people falling into – or back into – addiction. Life-controlling issues are a challenge and all of us have hearts which are prone to wander from the Lord we love.
Maybe you are bored or stressed or hurt. Something is hard in life and you want a break. What do you grab for that you hope will protect, soothe, and comfort? Whatever it is – shopping, overeating, drinking, drugs, porn – promises relief, but never delivers. Instead, you are left feeling empty, anxious, guilty, and wanting more.
But God made us for rest and pleasure, not for an obsessed and unsatisfied life. Understanding the true pleasure that comes from loving God and enjoying the good gifts he has given us will reorder your thinking and bring you freedom from your obsessions. Listen to Mike Emlet speak on Understanding Addiction and Overcoming Addiction by clicking on the links below or read the article A Step too far and be reminded that in Christ there is true and lasting hope.
Understanding-addiction Mike Emlet
Overcoming-addiction -Mike Emlet
(Mike Emlet was a family doctor before joining CCEF as a counsellor and faculty member. He is the author of CrossTalk: Where Life & Scripture Meet)
We are living in uncertain times. These resources can help us, and those around us, lift our eyes to the One who knows all things and is Shepherding us into a sure and certain future.
Bible Verses to help in times of Anxiety
Hope + Help for Anxious Hearts with Paul Tautges – Christine M. Chappell
God’s Words to Anxious People
Useful Articles:
When Children are Anxious
He is In the Boat
Recommended Books:
Anxiety, Knowing Gods Peace by Paul Tautges (click to view excerpt from the book)
Worry: Pursuing a Better Path to Peace by David Powlison
Seminars on anxiety and fear can be viewed on catch up.
Please click here to view Seminars on Fear and Anxiety by Steve Midgley
There are four seminars to view and a helpful Q and Answer session.
- Understanding fear
- Resisting fear
- Taking risks
- The end of fear
Engaging with God’s Word Ourselves and with Others
How can we grow in loving God’s word for ourselves and better equipped at sharing it with others?
What’s Stopping You?
How to read the Bible One to One
Why Read the Bible?
Engaging with God’s Word in Times of Exhaustion, Stress and Distress
Some resources to use with others:
The Word 121
Truth for Life by Alistair Begg
Care in a Covid World
Staying Connected in Isolation
Practical Care in Covid Times
Encouragement – how can we be encouraging one another as we emerge out of lockdown?
Moving Towards Others In Order to Pray