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Reaching out to the Local Community this Easter

Are you interested in reaching out to your local community with the good news of Jesus but are not sure where to start? Whoever you are, this webinar (link below) shares ideas and resources for reaching out this Easter and there are ideas for every situation. Go to the Discipleship page for who’s on the webinar.

Resources which Point our Community to Jesus

Do check out the above link to the webinar or speak/email Joanna at

BEING HUMAN seminars

Complementing our sermon series, the new ‘Being Human’ seminars will take a further look at the early chapters of Genesis and engage with some of the life issues they address.
Discover how they inform our understanding of the world and point us to God’s purposes in Jesus.

7:45 – 9:00pm at St Michael’s from Thursday 8th January

January Newsletter from Joshua & Miriam

Hebrews 10:23 says “Let us hold fast…without wavering … He who promised is faithful.” That quote is very much applicable to us here at Neema. There are times when we may feel like wavering but the encouragement is that we should not give up but rather hold on fast!


  • Construction of very much needed classrooms.
  • Good health for the children and their safety.
  • Provision of School fees and other learning requirements especially those joining College.
  • Daily provisions.

For information speak to Jane McCallum
Go to their mission page to read the full January News update.

CAP January 2024 Newsletter

Update has news from Jess Parkhouse and Christina Green.
Final statistics for 2023 and current statistics for 2024.
Report about their Events in Focus for the festive season.
New CAP Money coaching course and Easter afternoon tea.
For more information contact Sam Brassey or the Parish Office 0151 648 2404

Go to their mission page or directly read the January Newsletter.

January News and Prayer letter
from John, Zoe, Sadie & Amber

Oh tidings of comfort and joy! Greetings friends, and karibu (welcome) to 2024. This year’s theme at RVA is discipleship and God is certainly honouring that. Term two is whizzing by, and we are working at full speed keeping up with all the activities here at RVA.
Psalm 139 v 3-6 (New Living Translation) You see me when I travel, and when I rest at home, you know everything I say, even before I say it, Lord. You go before me and you follow me, you place your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand!

Go to their mission page or directly read the January News update.

Easter Devotional

A recommended Easter Devotional is:

Finding Mercy on the Way of Sorrow by Robin Ham

Follow the link for a preview

Contact Joanna for more information

Men’s Breakfast

Saturday 20th January at 8:45am

Guest speaker Rev. Matt Graham from St Stephen’s, Prenton

Contact Bob Jarvis for more information

Verse for the Year

“…just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
continue to live your lives in him,
rooted and built up in him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught,
and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Colossians 2:6-7

Click to listen to the sermons on the Verse for the Year

Christmas Greetings
from Sena & Jane Ounate

Go to their mission page or directly read the Christmas Greetings.

November News and Prayer letter
from John, Zoe, Sadie & Amber

God has been so faithful and they are feeling blessed,
having completed term one at RVA.
Read Zoe’s Stories from girls in the dorm about their families’ ministries.
John has spend a day working with Kenya Kids Charity

Amber celebrated her birthday on 21st November.
Sadie will get involved with the worship team after Christmas.
Sadie and Amber are both involved in the Christmas Concert.

Go to their mission page or directly read the November News update.

November Newsletter from Joshua & Miriam
Greetings from Wet and Rainy Eldoret

NEEMA HOME – received two new children who both have HIV.
NEEMA SCHOOL – student graduation news & photos.

Go to their mission page to read the full November News update.

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