Report from the Northern Women’s Convention
Joanna took a group to the Northern Women’s Convention in Manchester on the
4th November to hear various seminars based on the theme “Discover the Fullness of Christ” from Colossians and to join in fellowship and praise with those attending.
Do pray for us all as we continue to reflect on the truths taught, that they would have an impact on the practical outworkings in our own lives.
More information is available on the Discipleship page with links to the seminars to follow later.
Autumn HUB at St. Michael’s
Thursday 14th September at 8pm
Our new Hub series focuses on how the gospel is lived out in all of life.
Opening with the theme of city; our home now, the world that is, we close
with the theme of the eternal city: our home to come. In between we consider
how the gospel transforms hearts, community and how we live, grace truly
changes everything. This course will encourage and equip whether you’re
new in faith or long-standing. Do join us, you’ll be made most welcome.
Sena & Jane’s November Newsletter
In this letter,
Sena and Jane give thanks for the recent visit from one of their partner churches.
To read their letter goto their mission page
Women’s Breakfast update
On Sat 14th October around 70 women from St Michaels
and Christ Church enjoyed a fabulous cooked breakfast with friends
before our speaker, Helen Thorne was introduced.
Helen is Director of Training and Resources with Biblical Counselling UK.
You can find out more about biblical counselling here.
Read more about what Helen Thorne spoke about here.
Details of Next Woman’s Breakfast
We look forward to meeting together for our next women’s breakfast on 2nd March 2024 where Della, Zoe Putman’s mother will be speaking to us. She will have recently returned from visiting our mission partners, the Putman family, currently working at Rift Valley Academy, AIM’s boarding school for children of missionaries, in Kijabe, Kenya.
She will no doubt have much to report back to us, so do save the date!
Read the Latest September Newsletters
St Peters, Rock Ferry
Neema Children’s Home & School
Christians Against Poverty
31 Day Devotionals for Life
Each devotional is designed to build a bridge from God’s word into your specific struggles or situations. There is something here for each one of us. Each devotion is written to help you, no matter what the situation is, to see what faith looks like in this fallen world.
Books titles include: Assurance, Shame, Chronic Illness, Contentment, Anger, Anxiety, Forgiveness and so much more.
For more information, do see Joanna or email
Surely Your goodness and mercy will follow me
all the days of my life … Psalm 23:1
Afternoon Tea
Neema Children’s Home & School
A wonderful Afternoon Tea was held at St Michael’s on Saturday 23rd September for Neema Children’s Home and School in Eldoret, Kenya, run by Joshua and Mariam Mbithi, that we have supported for many years. The Afternoon Tea was organised by Bob and Sue Jarvis who arrange an annual fund-raiser for Neema. They used to work for Barclays Bank, who match any funds raised up to £750. In fact over £1000 was raised from ticket sales and donations at the Tea. Sue baked each and every cake and, with the help of a great team, produced dainty sandwiches, and endless cups of tea or coffee for 85 people. We were even serenaded by Paul Tolley on the piano throughout the afternoon. We were also blessed to have Esther Mbithi (Joshua and Miriam’s daughter) and her family in attendance as Esther was able to tell us how Neema came about and also the development of the school. She also thanked us on behalf of her parents for all the prayers, love and support over many years. Everyone enjoyed the food, fellowship and the chance to hear more about Neema.
If you’ve never attended one before and don’t know what to expect then, be reassured; it will be a simple service, with times of quiet, singing, an opportunity to be ministered to, and prayer.
The service is designed to bring you closer to God, to offer him your concerns and allow him to refresh you. If you feel that life is tough, perhaps because you are worn out, anxious, struggling with ill health, worried for loved ones, grieving… whatever is keeping you awake at night, then come and receive solace and restoration. God’s will for all his people is healing and wholeness, so come and be blessed. Rev. David Trollope will be speaking and leading the ministry.
Download Application Form click here (not available)
July news update from Joshua & Miriam
There is sad news about Caleb. They are all very sad, but ask us to pray for God’s grace to abound in this difficult situation.
The School is doing well. The numbers continue to increase; they have 217 learners now for which they thank God.
The new School office/staffroom construction was dedicated in July.
Go to their mission page to read the full July News update.