On Sunday 11th we’re looking forward to our annual Pop-up Nativity. All the fun of the nativity with none of the rehearsal and hassle. You just Turn up, dress up, and sing up! We cover everything else, including the costumes.
Later in the week we begin our community caroling around the Christmas tree ‘planted’ at St. Michael’s. We’ll gather for 5pm on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th and sing about the wonderful story of Jesus’ birth and all that it means for us! There will be warm drinks and a little something to eat.
And of course keep looking out for our advent window which is taking shape beautifully in the Pensby Road windows of the St. Michael’s Church Hall.
Latest News and Prayer update from our Mission Partners – Christians against Poverty (CAP) Wirral
CAP Wirral celebrated their 10th Anniversary in November. During the 10 years CAP Wirral have helped 78 families & individuals become debt free, and the Wirral team are currently helping 43 familes/individuals to become debt free.
Since Moira announced her departure from Cap Wirral our partner Jessica Parkhouse has been promoted to Centre Manager and CAP Wirral have employed Christina Green as their new debt coach. We look forward to meeting & supporting Christina next year once she is settled in to her post.
It is a very busy time for them with much changing in the office and team. Please pray for God’s hand to be with Jessica and Christina as they show God’s love and concern for the 43 families/individuals they are currently working with and those they are yet to meet. Please pray they settle into good working routines and gel well as a team. Pray for those facing debt this winter that they will turn to God and find the God who sees and provides us all we need.
Moira, Jessica & the CAP Wirral team would like to thank Christ Church & St Michael`s for their support & wish everyone a Happy Christmas!
Latest News and Prayer Letter from our Mission Partners Joshua and Miriam Mbithi at Neema Childrens home in Eldoret, Kenya
You will find rich encouragement from people following God’s word in difficult circumstances, news of candidates for High School, medical needs, a big decision to be made about the Neema school and much more.
For more details about Neema, to see previous newsletters, or to read about our other Mission Partners please visit our Mission Partners Page.
Men’s Breakfast November 2022– Whatever you do, do it for God!
Saturday morning 19th Nov saw the biggest turnout this year for the bi-monthly men’s breakfast!
Perhaps it was the speaker – Jules Beauchamp, vicar from Waverton, speaking about his new interest, cycling, following his recovery from ME. He made two main points – the first being to guard against ‘creating’ an obsession (as some men are prone to do), i.e. to guard against such an interest in something, that it becomes an idol in our life, supplanting Jesus. The second is to consciously include our Christianity in any activities we do – in Jules’ case it was cycling- e.g. is there an opportunity for prayer, how do you talk and what do you talk about when mixing with other cyclists, and actively appreciate God’s creation when cycling in glorious country.
Alternatively, it could have been the terrific (or should that be calorific) full English, and we do mean full. Or, perhaps the opportunity to meet up for fellowship with like minded people in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Whichever it was, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves!
Our next breakfast is 21st Jan. All men are welcome, and if you can bring a friend – what gentler introduction to church could there be? – that would be marvellous.
Advent Quiz Night! Who’s coming? (?!)
Join us to celebrate the new season with a quiz and curry night. We plan to have a choice of 2-3 different curries from mild to more adventurous! (A fish & chip alternative will also be available)
This is a great opportunity to invite a friend or neighbour along to see and experience God’s family in action.
We’ll be at St. Michael’s on Fri. 25th Nov. from 6:30pm. There will be a cost for your food – please watch this space for further details in the week to come.
Please help us arrange the catering by signing up on the sheets provided during our Sunday gatherings.
Remembrance Services for 2022
On this Remembrance Sunday the names of those from our parish who fell during the Great Wars will be read aloud before we observe two-minutes silence together. We will remember them.
We will also reflect that peace in our world is not easily won, conflict resumes all too frequently. History reminds us that enduring accord cannot be established by our own wisdom. Is there any hope for humanity? Today we remember good news, there is, not from within us, but from outside of us, through Jesus the good shepherd who laid down his life for his friends. He paid the price of peace, peace with God and one another. This costly victory is to be expressed in the bonds of the Church until the last, when ‘the kingdom of the world shall become the kingdom of our Lord,’ when swords shall become ploughshares and conflict, tears and mourning will be no more.
Coming Soon: Men’s Breakfast Saturday 19th November
We’re looking forward to Saturday 19th when will meet at 8.45am, enjoy a traditional cooked breakfast, and chat. Our speaker is Reverend Julian (Jules) Beauchamp, from St Peters, Waverton, Cheshire, known as the cycling vicar!
Recovering from ME, he took up cycling, and now thinks it’s becoming addictive. Extra bacon rashers await anyone who cycles to the event! Seriously, if you’recoming, do try to bring a friend to this enjoyable way to start your weekend.
Warm Hub – Now Open!
A welcoming place to keep warm this winter!
The current energy crisis and rising cost of living presents a challenge for most of us; for some it brings real anxiety and potential for struggle and isolation. As a local church we must play our part in loving our neighbours well. To that end our PCC have agreed that we open up our facilities at St Michael’s to the community to provide a warm hub over the winter.
The vision is to save many individual homes from having to be heated during the colder part of the day by providing a free place of welcome: a place to rest or to work, a place to be or to connect with others.
The current plan is to be open from 9am until 12:30pm every Tuesday – Friday until the end of March 2023.
There is still a chance to sign up to volunteer to staff this endeavour – please contact Bob Jarvis (through the Parish Office if you don’t have Bob’s contact details)
Light Party
We had a wonderful time celebrating Light on Saturday 29th of October. Just over 60 children came to St. Michael’s with their families and enjoyed seasonal treats, light-based craft activities, a neon disco, and an illustration of how Jesus lights up our world.
Our thanks go to the team of party organisers and enablers who worked their socks off to prepare all of the above, serve a delicious party meal to the children, and sharing our light with our community.
Women’s Breakfast October 2022
It was great to welcome Annie Hughes and share a lovely meal together. Annie, a retired Chaplain at a GP surgery, spoke on the ‘restoring love’ of Jesus – illustrating this in a wonderful way using examples from her own life, experiences and the wisdom that she gained from the people she met. She spoke with humour and a deep sense of faith, making biblical verses come alive – reminding us that, even in the darkest of times, God is always in the heart of it and that out of the darkness good things can grow. What a wonderful encouragement it was to hear that, even when we may find ourselves in a situation that seems to be hopeless, we need not despair – as God is in control and ‘the King always has one more move’!
Our next breakfast will be in March 2023 (date to be confirmed) when we will look forward to hearing from Imogen Slater, our next speaker.