A report about the launch party evening back in March
An update on the training and preparation process being undertaken
A finance update explaining how many supporters are still required and how you can become part of the team.
Please continue to hold John, Zoe, Sadie and Amber in prayer as they work and wait towards their May 31st deadline to know if they will be able to move to Kenya to serve this summer.
Please do read and news and uphold the needs of Neema in prayer as well as thanking God for all his goodness and faithfulness to them.
We pray particularly at this time for the rising costs of secondary education and for required surgeries to be possible and affordable.
Our busiest Women’s Breakfast yet!
It was, as always, wonderful to share time together and enjoy delicious food. We were privileged to have Immy Slater as our guest speaker, sharing her personal story and path to faith with openness and honesty, focusing on 2 Cor 5 v17.
Immy spoke of how, on reflection, it was clear to her that God had her life in His hands. His goodness and provision was apparent as she looked back, for example in having caring Christian friends around, particularly in difficult times.
It was such an inspiration to hear that, by God’s grace, Immy has begun a new life in Christ (the old is gone) and to be reminded that this is a gift freely available to us all. Thank you Immy!
Our next Women’s breakfast is June 10th and we look forward to seeing you there
Partnering with the Putmans
Please join us to hear all about the journey into mission in Africa John, Zoe, Sadie and Amber have been on so far, and to hear about how we can partner with them, both as a sending church and as individuals/families.
John and Zoe will provide a meal and an explanation of their calling and discernment process, a look at the missionary organisation A.I.M. who they go with, and an insight into the context they will be going to at the Rift Valley Academy, Kenya.
Lent Readings
Why not reflect on Jesus in the run-up to Easter with one of these inspiring collections of daily devotions and prayers?
Ocean of Grace by Tim Chester is a collection of prayers from great Christian writers of the past, including Augustine, Charles Spurgeon, John Bunyan, Catherine Parr and Martin Luther but its aim is to draw our heats closer to Jesus and teach us how to pray
From Glory into Glory is a devotional of 54 daily bible readings. Jesus’ disciple John takes us on a journey from the veiled glory of the cross into the blazing brightness of the resurrection.
Do visit our bookstall(s) to find a copy or books can be ordered through Ten of Those, The Good Book Company or through Joanna Hill (07775_562224)
Latest News and Prayer Letter from Mission Partner Joshua and Miriam Mbithi serving God at Neema Children’s Home in Eldoret, Kenya
There is news of how the church is doing in Caen; a gathering of local evangelical churches and opportunities for working in unity with them; news of new disciples learning and growing in their faith; updates about work with refugees and news of church planting initiatives.
Please do click through and pray for our paertners that God would use their ministry mightily to help transform Normandy and France to look more like Jesus!
Please join us for ‘A day in the life!’
We’ve been practising very hard and are almost ready to present “A day in the life” to you on February 24th and 25th (details on poster!).
It’s now time for you to get your tickets and block out your diaries to join us.
You’ll enjoy a ploughman’s supper or afternoon tea depending on your choice of performance and a wonderful presentation of songs from the musicals with a theme following morning into evening, day into night.
Don’t miss out and we look forward to seeing you later on this month. You’ll find ticket sellers at all our services.
Men’s Breakfast Review
On Saturday 14th January we held a Men`s Breakfast event at St Michaels Church. Mark Johnston told us about his amazing adventure travelling across Europe. Mark delivered the story seated on the motorbike that he had ridden across Europe and illustrated the talk with PowerPoint slides.
The thing that stood out for him was ‘the kindness’ of strangers’ that he experienced wherever he went. So many people helped him with places to stay, meals, repairs etc. Mark referred to the parable of the Good Samaritan in connection to the kindness he experienced and we all reflected on how we need the ultimate stranger – the Lord Jesus – to rescue us from our plight.
We hardly noticed the passing of time as we were so gripped by Mark’s experiences. He finished by saying that all men should go on adventures.
Our next Men’s Breakfast takes place on March 25th
Annual Pancake Party coming soon!
Please join us for our Pancake Party on Tuesday 21st February at 4.30pm. We’ve lots of pancake-themed activities games and fun lined up for the whole family.
We’re providing a full meal with savoury and sweet pancake dishes and we’d love as many families as possible to be able to eat together.
Please let John Putman know if you’d like to come as it will help us to make the right number of pancakes if we have a better idea who’s coming! Contact him on johnputman @ barnston.info
Latest News and Prayer Update from Mission Partners – Dave Casson and Lucy Slavin at St. Peter’s Rockferry
Please click here for the latest news and prayer letter from Dave and Lucy working for the gospel in Rockferry.
There is exciting news about their recent Christmas programme. Children & families work, youth work, and the recent Growing Young Disciples conference they were able to attend.
Please read their news and keep them in your prayers. Pray, too, for the whole Parish during their interregnum and for the new youth event, Youth Together, which is a collaboration between both our parishes, and other local parishes with smaller youth groups. The next event takes place at St. Michael’s on Fenraury the 10th.