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A news and prayer update from our mission partners at CAP Wirral

CAP Wirral are grateful for continued support from our church and others, through the pandemic, in terms of finance, prayer and practical support which have all helped towards delivering a good service to our clients and meeting their needs.
Please pray for more clients to come forward for help as we know the need is out there; especially with the lifting of the ban on eviction orders on rented accommodation and with the number of folk losing their jobs. Please do continue to pray for people in situations like this, and that we would be able to offer them help and the gospel.
We are planning to start moving from online appointments to home visits between now and September, being sensitive to those who feel nervous about this.

Call to Prayer (This Saturday)

As a church we are ‘dependent in prayer’ and we want to take  the opportunity to demonstrate our dependence on God by  praying together. We are therefore planning to pray at St  Michael’s Church on Saturday 26th June from 9.30 -11.30am for the appointment of the right person as vicar for this parish. Everyone is welcome. 

Even if you don’t feel able to pray out loud, your presence, for as long as you can be there, is  important, and your agreement (your Amen) is as valuable as the prayers of others. 

If you plan to attend please inform Cecelia either on or 648 2404 by Thursday 24th June as numbers will be limited due to Covid restrictions.
2 Chronicles 7:14a – If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, then I will hear from heaven…

Pastoral Letter from Rev. Chris Murphy

I had hoped that we would both, be fully out of lockdown by June 21, and that we would be preparing to welcome a new incumbent in September. Sadly, neither of these hopes have come to pass but we
trust that God is good and that He knows what He is doing. In the meantime, it is important for us to respond to our ever-changing circumstances with godliness and wisdom, seeking to apply biblical
principles to our situation. There are at least two principles we should consider in the coming weeks:
1) In-person church is far better than on-line church
2) We need to stay flexible
Please click here for the full text of the latest Pastoral letter from our Associate Minister, Rev. Chris Murphy.

News and Prayer Update from our Mission Partners Sena & Jane Ounate-Lare and family

Please click here for the full text of the latest letter from our mission partners working in Lisieux & Caen in Northern France.
Headline news is that the family have received their post-Brexit residency cards to remain in France! This is great news but please pray on for news of health cover which has not yet materialised!
There is further news enclosed about the mission of the church in Caen, the exam season facing the children, and the Covid restrictions on France. Please do depend on God in prayer with us for the gospel work Sena, Jane and the family are involved in as partners in the Kingdom of God!

Rejoicing together – along the way and over a meal

Last night we kicked off the Rejoice programme with a 4-mile walk and a well-earned Fish & Chip supper on the lawn at St. Michael’s.
It was so fantastic to be together as church family strolling around God’s good creation between Storeton, Thingwall and Landican catching up with people we haven’t seen and meeting newer church members some of us had not met before. Praise the Lord!
Judy & Roger weren’t lying when they promised 4 miles as the Strava screenshot shows – we hit it on the button! This, despite the slight detour around a group of over-friendly cows! Old friendships were re-kindled, new ones made, trees were climbed, plans were made, prayers were prayed.
It was a delight to have even more of the church family join us afterwards for Fish & Chips. We almost felt like the early church described in Acts as we shared our vinegar and ketchup around our picnic rugs on St Michael’s lawn. Acts 2:44-45 reads, “All the believers were together and had everythig in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.” Perhaps we didn’t quite almost feel like that early church but we pray that more and more we will, and that Jesus, who gives us our unfathomable unity, will be made known through us.
Get next week’s Scavenger Hunt into your diary – and don’t judge a book by its cover – come along and give it a go! 6pm on Thursday 17th June.

Parish Vacancy Update | 9th June

Please click here for the latest update from the Parish Representatives undertaking the process of appointing our next Vicar.

Rejoice with us at the Hub this half term

As we emerge from lockdown we want to take time as a church family to recover from the pandemic but also to give thanks to God for his goodness. The ‘Rejoice!’ programme is designed to help us rebuild relationships, take stock of the past 12 months, and make the most of our experiences so that we may trust Jesus all the more in the months and years ahead.
We also recognise the need to continue to gather carefully so our first two REJOICE events take place exclusively outside.
We begin this week with a gentle walk and a picnic-style Fish & Chip supper outside St Michael’s when we return.
All walkers are invited to meet at St Michael’s car park at 6pm, then on to Storeton Village to begin our walk which is approximately 4 miles, mainly on the flat! We hope this timing suits as many people as possible – even if it seems a little late for families you can be sure the kids will sleep well after the walk!
Fish & Chip orders will be taken on the walk and telephoned through (please note this shop only accepts cash!)
Please bring your own chairs, picnic rug, drinks and cutlery with you to help keep one another as safe as possible.

A word from our new warden at St. Michael’s – Anna Mountford

Hi there, I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself, especially to those I may not have met yet. I’m Anna Mountford and at the end of April my nomination for church warden at St Michael’s was supported by our church family.
I have now started to take on some of the responsibilities from Bob Fiddaman, who has done a brilliant job serving and leading in this way, for many years. My hope and prayer is that in my own way, I can continue to do the role justice.
People have been so lovely and supportive already, I have been so encouraged, thank you for your kind words.
I sensed that this academic year I was going to step into something new as my daughter was starting pre school. However, like many people, I had been feeling quite despondent as this year did not evolve as I hoped and instead involved many weeks of home schooling. The role of church warden helped me lift my eyes from my current situation and I was inspired how I could serve our almighty God in a new way.
My husband James can often be found helping with the sound and online streaming at St Michael’s. My children Caleb and Abigail love Sunday club, as well as cycling to church (when we are organised enough!).
I am looking forward to restrictions lifting and church life returning to some normality, so we can once again enjoy a coffee together after the service!

Mission Partner Update – Neema Children’s Home

Joshua and Miriam write:
During these uncertain times, it is important, actually not just important but imperative that we continue to acknowledge Jesus as our everlasting portion. Times are perilous, full of problems, uncertainties, disappointments, discouragements and destitution, if it were not for the faith that there is a better tomorrow hearts would faint. The Almighty God is truly our hiding place, a shelter in the time of storm.  Application of the words of an old hymn, “Thou, my everlasting portion, more than friend or life to me, all along my pilgrim journey, savior, let me walk with thee…” shade some light to otherwise dark path of life. As C-19 continues to be a menace to the entire world, we at Neema thank God for God’s loving and protective arms around us and we pray and believe that you all are protected and are in good health.
In the book of Nahum 1:7 (The Amplified Bible) we read, “The Lord is good, a strength and stronghold in the day of trouble; He knows (recognizes, has knowledge of, and understands) those who take refuge and trust in Him.” It is encouraging to be reminded that God is able, even during these trying times. Trouble times may linger, Covid-19 may threaten livelihoods and good health but there is hope. Psalm 30:5 says “ … weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” We have strength to face each day as it comes.

New Residents in the Vicarage Garage!

Not permanent residents but furing the wet and windy month of May the team who look after the Christ Church grounds so well have set up a covid-secure break room in the vicarage garage.
The team, from left to right – Jim, Jack, Geoff and Geoff primarily look after maintenance around the church grounds, cutting the grass, keeping the memorial garden looking tidy, removing dead flowers, keeping weeds down, dealing with all the leaves in autumn. This year they have taken on the vicarage garden as well, cutting the lawn, cleaning out the pond and making it safe, putting new plants in the borders with more to follow. 
Perhaps the best part of the day for the team is the time when they stop for tea and cake, as pictured. If you have the time or skills to consider joining the team you too could benefit from this wonderful time of friendship and fellowship whilst serving the church in this practical way. Please contact Jim Parr or the Parish Office if you’re interested.

Crosslinks Prayer Meeting Special

In this week’s prayer meeting we welcome Helen Burns (Church Partnerships Coordinator) from BCMS Crosslinks who will bring us news from Crosslinks, explain a little more about their mission work, as well as lead us in prayer for two of our mission partners – Sena & Jane Ounate Lare working for the gospel in Caen, France, and Diego Pacheco, pastor at Iglesia Cristo Redentor in Vitacura, a suburb of Chile’s capital city Santiago, Chile.
BCMS Crosslinks celebrate their 99th year as a mission organisation this year! Crosslinks has workers in more than 35 countries worldwide. Over 110 of these are long-term mission partners sent by churches in Britain and Ireland. They also help indigenous workers run gospel projects in their home nations and provide bursaries to enable those in less well-off countries to study for ministry. In addition, Crosslinks has a short-term programme, sending men and women across the globe to serve alongside our long-term partners.
Do come along to uphold our mission partners in prayer and to find out more about their sending partners at Crosslinks. The zoom link will be available in the Notice sheet for 23rd May.

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