He gave us Stories

About one third of Jesus’ teaching takes the form of a story and Luke’s gospel contains the greatest number of Jesus’ stories. As we head into the new year pray that we would come to Jesus’ stories in Luke’s gospel with fresh eyes and soft hearts, ready to have our prejudices exploded, our expectations subverted, our idols demolished, and prepared to lean all the more on Jesus for our salvation.


02.01.2022 Luke12:13-34 Sermon (The rich fool) by Peter Froggatt
09.01.2022 Luke 12:35-48 Sermon (The returning master) by Graham Hill
16.01.2022 Luke 14:12-34 Sermon (The great banquet) by Peter Geddes

23.01.2022 Luke 15:1-32 Sermon (Lost and found) *** NO Recording Available ***

30.01.2022 Luke 16:1-13 Sermon (The shrewd manager) by Graham Hill


06.02.2022 Luke 16:14-31 Sermon (The rich man and Lazarus) *** NO Recording Available ***

13.02.2022 Luke 18:1-14 Sermon (Prayer) by David Reed
20.02.2022 Luke 19:11-27 Sermon (The ten minas) by Ian Hobbs

27.02.2022 Luke 20:9-19 Sermon (The wicked tenants) *** NO Recording Available ***


06.03.2022 Luke 20:20-44 Sermon (Jesus questioned) by John Putman
13.03.2022 Luke 20:45-21:4 Sermon (The heart of religion) by Rob Moots
20.03.2022 Luke 21:5-38 Sermon (The end of religion) by Chris Slater
27.03.2022 Luke 22:1-38 Sermon (The last supper) by Chris Slater


03.04.2022 Luke 22:39-55a Sermon (Agony and arrest) by Chris Slater
10.04.2022 Luke 19:28-48 Sermon (Jesus comes as a king) by Chris Slater
Easter Sunday
17.04.2022 Luke 24 / 1 Cor 15 Sermon (Tales of the uneggspected / Hope springs etertnal) by Chris Slater
24.04.2022 Luke 24:13-35 Sermon (The road to Emmaus) by Chris Slater