From the Garden to the City

From the garden to the city takes us from the beginnings of the universe to the end of the world as we track the storyline of the whole bible. It is sometimes lost on us that the bible is actually one book that tells one story and in order to understand the bible for ourselves it is helpful to know the basic plot.
This sermon series will take us through some of the major plot points of the bible including the 6 covenants that God makes. Hopefully understanding God’s story will help us to make better sense of our story and bring our lives into alignment with God’s will.


05.09.2021 Genesis 1:1-2:4 Reading by Robert Lenfestey
05.09.2021 Sermon (Creation) by Chris Murphy

12.09.2021 Genesis 2:5-25 Reading by Eric Campbell
12.09.2021 Sermon (Adam) by Chris Murphy

19.09.2021 Genesis 3:1-24 Reading by Paul Irons
19.09.2021 Sermon (Fall) by Peter Geddes

26.09.2021 Genesis 9:1-17 Reading by Peter Geddes
26.09.2021 Sermon (Noah) by Graham Hill
26.09.2021 Sermon (Noah) by Chris Murphy


03.10.2021 Genesis 12:1-9 “Abraham” Reading-Peter Geddes, Sermon-Rob Moots *** NO Recording Available ***

10.10.2021 Genesis 15:1-21 Reading by Liz Geddes
10.10.2021 Sermon by (Abraham 2) Chris Murphy

17.10.2021 Exodus 12:1-30“Passover” Reading-Carol Jordan *** NO Recording Available ***

17.10.2021 Sermon (Passover) by Chris Murphy

24.10.2021 Exodus 20:1-21 & 24:1-8 Reading by Robert Lenfestey
24.10.2021 Sermon (Moses) by Chris Murphy

31.10.2021 2 Samuel 7:1-17 Reading by Dave Burden
31.10.2021 Sermon (David) by Chris Murphy


07.11.2021 Jeremiah 31:31-40 Reading by Paul Irons
07.11.2021 Sermon (Jeremiah) by Chris Murphy

14.11.2021 Matthew 26:17-30 Reading by Anna Mountford
14.11.2021 Sermon (Jesus) by Chris Murphy

21.11.2021 Revelation 21:1-27 Reading by Carol Jordon