Enjoying Jesus
Many of us often think how wonderful it must have been to experience Jesus’ physical presence as he walked on earth, without realising that we can experience the joy of his presence and companionship here and now.
In Enjoying Jesus, Tim Chester looks at how Jesus acted and interacted with people in Luke’s Gospel. But he doesn’t leave it there. He looks at how Jesus relates to us in the same way now, by his Spirit. Readers will be helped to understand how they can enjoy a close relationship with Jesus in their everyday lives.
This book is ideal for anyone wanting to deepen their relationship with Jesus, especially those who feel disconnected from God or those going through the motions of the Christian life without joy. It will also help new Christians who want to understand how Jesus is with them by his Spirit.
Each chapter includes reflection questions and practical suggestions on how to experience a close, joyful relationship with Jesus. The accompanying discussion guide makes this a useful resource for small groups.
Title Enjoying Jesus
Author Tim Chester
ISBN 9781802541076
Format Paperback
Publisher The Good Book Company
Pages 208
Published 01/09/2024
A Meal with Jesus (Paperback) by Tim Chester (10ofthose.com)
A Meal with Jesus – Tim Chester | The Good Book Company

The Gospel Comes with a House Key
The word hospitality often invokes a scene of a gracious, impeccably fashioned host welcoming guests into a beautifully appointed home prepared with perfectly-presented meals. However, the biblical call to hospitality is a call to much more. In this book, Rosaria Butterfield invites readers into her home and shows from her own life and experience how “radically ordinary hospitality” can be a bridge for bringing the gospel to lost friends and neighbours—something that she experienced herself on her journey to Christ. Such hospitality welcomes those who look, think, believe, and act differently from us into our own everyday, sometimes messy lives. Christians will be inspired and equipped to use their homes and tables as a way of showing a sceptical, unbelieving world what love and authentic faith really look like.
Title The Gospel Comes with a House Key
Author Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
ISBN 9781433557866
Format Hardback
Publisher Crossway
Audience Adults
Pages 240
Published 01/04/2018
The Gospel Comes with a House Key (Hardback) by Rosaria Champagne Butterfield (10ofthose.com)
The Gospel Comes With a House Key | The Good Book Company

Author Barnabas Piper states in the first chapter of his book:
“We are looking for something personal, something deeply meaningful, something with which we can identify. And this book is an invitation to find that in the church, because God wants us to …Part of God’s perfect strategy is offering hurting, tired, worn out, needy sinners like you and me a place to belong in … A place in which to encounter the profound, transformative, healing, restoring grace of Jesus Christ.”
This book explores how you can help to create a church where everybody feels at home: a place where fellow believers build genuine, honest, meaningful Christian relationships and enjoy deep fellowship as a community of believers.
You may be a new believer and wonder what it means to belong to a church; you may be reluctant to commit to your church because of past experiences; you may have recently relocated and want to find a church where you feel at home; or you may love your church and desire to commit to it more deeply and serve it more fully. Whatever the case, this book will help you to see that belonging to a church is a good gift from God, the outworking of our identity as brothers and sisters in Christ, and worth your time, love and commitment.
There are discussion questions at the end of every chapter with action steps, making it ideal to read as a small group or even a whole church. Perfect if you are a pastor looking to encourage your church members to treasure their church family and play their part in making it a place where everyone feels they belong.
Title Belong
Author Barnabas Piper
Series Love Your Church
ISBN 9781784988227
Format Paperback
Publisher The Good Book Company
Pages 14
Published 01/01/2023
Belong (Paperback) by Barnabas Piper (10ofthose.com)
Belong – Barnabas Piper, Ray Ortlund | The Good Book Company

Life in the Community
When people live in community moved by the gospel and marked by the Spirit, great things happen.
They commit to one another. They grieve together, sing together, eat, pray, and play together. They love, serve, honour, encourage, and provide for each other gladly. And they live on mission together.
Hearts are healed, walls come down, and outsiders come in. No competition. No pretence. No vain conceit. Just full hearts breaking bread and giving freely.
It is nothing short of amazing.
Most of us live in a shadow of what God intended for us. Life in Community calls us into the light. Reclaiming Scripture’s stunning vision of gospel-centred community, it inspires us to live in love unbounded. Read it, live it, and join the movement: Help unleash the power of extraordinary community.
Title Life in the Community
Author Dustin Willis
ISBN 978-0802413321
Publisher Moody Publishers (4 Aug. 2015)
Language English
Paperback 192 pages
Published 04/08/2015
Life in Community: Joining Together to Display the Gospel: Amazon.co.uk: Dustin Willis: 9780802413321: Books

Community within the church today is haemorrhaging. Attention spans are dwindling, noise levels are increasing, and we can’t seem to find time for real relationships.
The answer to such social fragmentation can be found in small groups, and yet the majority of small groups—at least in the traditional sense—are often not the intentional, transformational community we really want and need. Somehow we need to get our groups off life support and into authentic community.
Pastor Brad House helps us to re–imagine what gospel–centred community looks like and shares from his experience leading and reproducing healthy small groups. With wisdom and candour, House challenges us to think carefully about our own groups and to take steps toward cultivating communities that are able to glorify Jesus, bless one another, and participate in the mission of God.
Title Community
Author Brad House
ISBN 9781433523069
Format Paperback
Publisher Crossway
Pages 224
Published 01/09/2011
Community (Paperback) by Brad House (10ofthose.com)
Community: Taking Your Small Group off Life Support (Re: Lit Books) eBook : House, Brad: Amazon.co.uk: Books

The Living Church: The Convictions Of A Lifelong Pastor
The church lies at the very centre of the eternal purposes of God. But what exactly does a living church look like? The Living Church brings together a number of characteristics of what the author calls ‘authentic’ or ‘living’ church. The marks, being clearly biblical, are timeless and need to be preserved. We are called to become learning churches, caring churches, worshipping churches and evangelising churches. John Stott unpacks the Bible’s wisdom rigorously with a teacher’s skill and applies it faithfully with a pastor’s heart. We can all play a part in becoming a living church.
Title The Living Church: The Convictions Of A Lifelong Pastor
Author John Stott
ISBN 9781789742909
Publisher IVP
Language English
Paperback 192 pages
Published 15/04/2021
The Living Church: The Convictions Of A Lifelong Pastor: Amazon.co.uk: Stott, John: 9781789742909: Books

The Living Church: The Convictions Of A Lifelong Pastor
e-book version
Title The Living Church: The Convictions Of A Lifelong Pastor
Author John Stott
ISBN 9781844747641
Published Feb. 2014
The Living Church (ebook) – John Stott | The Good Book Company