Advent Sunday marks the beginning of a new year in the church’s calendar. We count down to Christmas, remembering the ‘arrival’ of Immanuel, God with us. However, Advent is not just a season of looking back to the first Christmas, it also looks forward to the return of the King, to the goal of history when Jesus ‘arrives’ to bring in the new era of his perfect reign with his people forever. This is the hope we need in a world that is often dark and painful. In history the light of Jesus has entered our world and has triumphed over the darkness! We will be thinking about these things through season of Advent, looking particularly at the first chapter of John’s gospel.
Sunday 3rd December

We are reminded that relationship lies at the very heart of life, and how the Word, the pre-existing Son, who was with God in the beginning, our very maker, came into the world to endure the ultimate darkness in order that we might enjoy the light of life with God, both now and forever.
Sunday 10th December

We encounter John the Baptist as we continue in the first chapter of John’s gospel for Advent. He is a significant character, remarkable for his faithfulness to the mission entrusted to him. Jesus would say of him ‘among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist’ (Matt. 11:11). Why? What made John great? It is surely this – he pointed people to Jesus! As the gospel reminds us ‘He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe’ (Jn. 1:7). He pointed people to Jesus so they might have the light of life. Today that task is entrusted to the Church, collectively we are the ‘light of the world’ insofar as we point the world to Christ. This side of the cross and resurrection we have more revelation than John, maybe that’s why Jesus went on to say, ‘even the least is the kingdom is greater than he’. This advent season, let us be faithful to our calling, and point others to the light, that they too might believe and have life (Jn. 5:24).
Sunday 17th December

In his gospel John’s gospel doesn’t narrate the events of the first Christmas as Matthew and Luke do, he dives straight in with the wow factor: the one who was with God and who was God, the one who made the world and everything in it, the one in whom there is both light and life, stepped down into our dark and chaotic world. The Word of eternity became a person in history: ‘The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.’ In Jesus God came to bring for all the light of restoration, right relationship with God, for all, from local shepherds to Magi from afar. Not everyone welcomes the light, but here’s the stunning promise: ‘to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.’ To know God as Father and Christ as brother, to enjoy access, embrace, to know his favour, to share in his light and life. This is the gift; light for darkness, life for death, love for disconnection, is ours to receive. Shall we not be wowed again this Christmas?
Sunday 24th December

The Glory God revealed in His son was full of grace and truth, so that we could have a close relationship with the Father as His adopted children. As C S Lewis said “..that the Son of heaven became son of earth, so that sons of earth might become sons of heaven”.
Sunday 31st December

Concluding this last part of our Advent series in John chapter1, sees people being brought to Jesus. They believe He is the Messiah and due to their witness bring one other person to Jesus, who doesn’t turn them away. and they follow Him.